
Use Dyspatch’s Smartling integration to push email templates for translation, then sync the translated emails to your email service provider or customer relationship management system with a single click. Deliver personalized, engaging email experiences at scale with Dyspatch and Smartling, streamlining your email localization process.

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About Dyspatch

Dyspatch is an industry-leading email production platform designed to help businesses focus more time on innovation and less time on implementation. Dyspatch empowers non-technical email teams to increase engagement and conversions by providing amazing email experiences at scale. Build beautiful, interactive email templates in minutes using pre-coded content blocks, and easily collaborate with key stakeholders all within Dyspatch. Easily integrate with your existing email service providers for sending.

Dyspatch translation, simplified

Behalten Sie Ihren Tech-Stack bei und fügen Sie einfach die Übersetzung hinzu. Wir machen es Ihnen leicht, mehrsprachige Erlebnisse überall dort zu schaffen, wo sich Ihre Inhalte befinden.